Karen Didion Royal Elegance Boy Bunny Figurine, 20 inches

Our Royal Elegance Boy Bunny is a heartwarming addition to your spring collection. With this collectible’s soft-fluffy exterior, elaborate attire, handsomely molded shoes, and Victorian feel; he’s chalked full of personality and will add character and style to any home. Makes a stunning display paired with Royal Elegance Girl Bunny. The 20-inch Royal Elegance Boy Bunny is a heartwarming addition to your spring collection. This collectible’s soft-fluffy exterior, elaborate attire, handsomely molded shoes, and Victorian feel is quite adorable. He’s chalked full of personality and will add character and style to any home. Perfect gift for any occasion. Karen Didion is an artist specializing in “capturing your memories” with designs focused on the holiday seasons for over 20 years. What humbly began as an artistic pastime of a registered nurse soon had the makings for an aspiring business enterprise.